Article 14314

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Plotnikov Andrey Andreevich, Postgraduate student, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev (24 Minina street, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The problem of social conflict cognition is one of the key problems of modern social science. Development and use of techniques relevant to the current development of the information society will allow effective management of social conflicts. The purpose of this study can be determined as the analysis of the existing methods of knowledge of social conflicts and the definition of the vector of their development in the future years.
Materials and methods. This article contains materials of practical and theoretical studies of scientists from different fields of social sciences, preferably of the second half of XX – beginning of XXI century.
Results. The author marked the fundamentals of the conflict theory, developed a number of practices to manage individual types of conflicts. The researcher also obtained statistical data, based on experimental studies.
Conclusions. The modern theory of conflicts is a cross-scientific and rapidly growing field of social research. Within the information paradigm, the research methodology and management of social conflicts stop functioning. Therefore, the development of new approaches to the study of individual modern types of social conflicts defines the future development of our society.

Key words

social conflict, methods of conflict cognition, conflict theory, models of conflict management.

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Дата создания: 09.02.2015 13:56
Дата обновления: 10.02.2015 09:46